Payment methods for goods and services
Dla Twojej wygody oferujemy różnorodne metody płatności. Możesz wybrać tę, która najlepiej odpowiada Twoim potrzebom i preferencjom
For your convenience, we offer a variety of payment methods. You can choose the one that best suits your needs and preferences
1. Cash
If you prefer cash payment, it is possible upon receipt of the order. Please prepare the appropriate amount so that the payment process runs smoothly and hassle-free.
2. Bank Transfer
For those who value the convenience and security of electronic transactions, we offer the option of making payments via bank transfer. Please make payment before the scheduled date of receipt of your order. All necessary transfer details, including the account number, will be provided after finalizing the order. Remember to include the order number in the transfer title, which will significantly speed up the process.